Words with Friends 2 Cheat Screenshot Guide

Words with friends cheat screenshot complete guide for you while using on any mobile phone or tablet. This post will explain you how to upload a screenshot of the app version of Words With Friends and what can be the problems faced after uploading the screenshot. Please keep in mind that screenshot upload feature works only on mobile or tabs and not from desktop or laptop.
As you know that Words with Friends is one of the most famous multiplayer word game, which is very much similar to the classic board game Scrabble.
Best part of this game is that it can work on cross-platforms, hence you can play with your friends on an Android mobile or even Any Apple iOS/iphone and all Windows phones and tablets, as well as kindle fire and social networking sites such Facebook.
This website helps you cheat and win in popular word games such as Words with Friends and hence it is important to know how to upload words with friends 2 cheat screenshot on this website.
Other option is to type in your tiles and search the Words With Friends cheat tool which will provide a full list of playable, legal words sorted by length and with point values included.

How to upload words with friends 2 cheat screenshot?

AS I told you one way is to type in your tiles, which is again a cumbersome task 😛 who is going to do it?
So best and quickest way is to upload a screenshot of the app version of Words With Friends from your mobile or tablet.
Note : This feature is not available on desktop computer or laptop.
Step-by-Step Guide to upload screenshot —
1) Open any of the games like Words With Friends 2, Words With Friends Classic, or the Facebook Messenger game “Words With Friends.” (All Games download links are given below for quick reference if needed)
2) Go to any of these games which you are playing.
3) Zoom out the game board is to FULL extent, also make sure that the screen is not covered by any other advertise or text or anything else on your screen.
4) Depending upon the device you are using, take a screenshot, for quick reference I have given below how to take screenshot on any Android or Apple iOS device.
5) Now go to WWF Cheats and tap “Upload Screenshot”

Tips to take a screenshot to get correct and fast results

Once you upload any scan image, then further the computer uses OCR software to recognize each text in tile and then feed it back to algorithm to resolve it using internal word dictionary replacing valid and legal words, which means the inputs of screenshot must be clear and clean and understandable content.
Follow below easy tips to get correct results
1) Make sure that whole game board is visible which means you have to zoom out fully to get complete board visibility and the WWF Cheat will be able to  scan every tile properly (OCR needs clear texts)
2) If you want to get correct and valid results, then make sure that all your playable tiles are on the tile rack, and not on the game board.
3) Make sure that screen only have the tiles and nothing else, like if you are on Facebook then there may be Chat Heads active, or if you are on mobile App then some app icons maybe visible on trays, or you may have some notification floating pop-ups on screen overlaying and obstructing tiles. All such things can cause issue in Optical Character Recognition (OCR) and hence WWF Cheat my give incorrect results.
4) NO Zoomed-in Game Board in screenshot:
Simply double tap the game-board so that it zooms out completely before you take any screenshot.
5) Nothing should cover the screen:
If you have any screen overlays like a weather forecast! or app notification which is shown generally in semi transparent colors, it will surely obscure your game-board or tile rack. So surely the OCR & Solver software will have issues resolving the puzzle!
So avoid any chat heads, volume sliders, alerts, app drawers, game badges or anything that is partially or fully covering screen is not acceptable even though it is in semi-transparent mode showing below text partially.
6) No Screen Dimmers Please:
Any screen dimmer you are using to save battery shall be turned OFF, instead you may like to use original device brightness controls to save the battery. Generally it is seen that the screen dimmers interfere with OCR analysis delivering incorrect results.
7) Avoid uploading any Low Resolution and Low Quality Screenshots:
Lowest phone display resolution can be 480 pixels.
If you have screen resolution below it will result into incorrect interpretation of tiles and hence may report errors or wrong results OR even it may not show any results!
If your phone setting for screenshot is JPEG, then I suggest to change it to PNG format. Although PNG images will be slightly heavier in size than a JPEG image, they will be more clear and hence OCR software will work correctly, and what you want here is best and fastest results.
So before you generate a screenshot set the screenshot to PNG. My website provides guide on image format changing for various devices, please explore the same if you don’t know how to do it.
8) Avoid uploading any Cropped Screenshots:
The algorithm must see the complete tile to understand and resole the puzzle correctly, so if you upload any cropped screenshot, it may understand it partly giving correct solution for that part, but not as an entire tile board! and this is not what you want? right ?
So make sure to include the complete tile even you wish to crop other details from the screenshot.
9) Check if the Game has latest updates:
Yes, the word finder will always be tuned to resolve the latest app screens and hence it is important to check that your App has got all the latest updates before you generate and upload any screenshots.
Remember that the word finder is only designed to work with the latest versions of WWF.
10) Uploading screenshots of any unsupported Game:
I have already specified list of supported games as well as given their download links in this post (Refer below section for links)
In case you upload any other games tile screenshot, the software may not be able to resolve it correctly.
Either your upload will fail or you can try using the anagram solver to find answers for many games the board solver isn’t intended for!
Tip for Samsung phone users: Move your EDGE tab higher on the screen (at least above the bottom of the game board)

How to Screenshot on any Android Phone ?

Hold the Power Button and Volume Down buttons simultaneously for at least one full second.
Or Hold the Power Button and Home buttons simultaneously for at least one full second.
See Info-graphics below which is self explanatory

How to Screenshot on any iOS device ?

Briefly tap the Power button and Home buttons simultaneously.
On iPhone X, use Power button and Volume Up buttons simultaneously.
See Info-graphics below which is self explanatory

Word Game Download links —

Words With Friends 2 word game — Download from iTunes / Download from Google Playstore
Words With Friends Classic —  Download from iTunes / Download from Google Playstore
Facebook Messenger game “Words With Friends.” —  Download from FaceBook App

An extensive reference is taken from official website to write this post —


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