How to take screenshot on Moto Phone? Moto X4 series & all moto phones

As I started writing methods to take screenshot on various devices, soon I realized that every manufacturer has his own methods to do the same tasks, specially taking the screenshots, which is very important and frequently used task in modern life. So in this post you will see How to take a screenshot on your moto device like moto X4. You will learn basic methods to advanced methods like using gestures of three fingers.

How to take screenshot on Moto Phone?

To take a screenshot on Moto phone, simply Press and Hold the Power Button and Volume Down button simultaneously for three seconds, and with a camera shutter confirmation sound, device will generate a screenshot. Another advanced method is using smart gesture, i.e. simply touch three fingers on screen and device will generate a screenshot for you! Lastly you can use Moto voice to take a screenshot without touching hands.
So above short description may be helpful to you if you are a advanced user, however I have explained these three ways to capture a screenshot on any Moto phone like Moto X4 in details step-by-step method.
To start with I will explain the basic default Android phone method which is called as Hardware buttons method and second one is specific to Moto phones, similar to other companies like OnePlus or Samsung, but totally different, using gestures of three fingers. Lastly you can take a screenshot using voice commands, lets see all three of them one by one.

Method 1: Hardware buttons, Traditional Android phone way

Applicable to : Moto X 2014, Moto X Style and Moto X Pure edition, Moto X4, Moto G, Moto Force Z,  Moto Z Droid , Moto Z Force Droid, Moto E4 , Moto E4 Plus and all Moto phones
This method is universally common for all the Android OS phones, which do not need any external App support, but the hardware buttons only act as key combination to generate screenshots as well as do other tasks too.
In this case you will learn how to take screenshot or printscreen using buttons –
Step-by-Step guide —
1) Open the image screen you want to capture like a chat window (Instagram or whats-app or Facebook or Snap-chat etc) or a browser window or an email, I mean anything that you want to take a screenshot of, it can be a gaming console too or an error screen.
2) Now locate the Power and Volume down buttons (see the image above which shows the button locations below each other)
3) Now Press and hold the Power button and Volume down buttons simultaneously for about three seconds or till you hear a camera shutter capture sound or see an animation on phone screen, confirming that the screenshot has been captured by your moto phone, now release the buttons.
4) If you want to immediately see the screenshot, then simply pull down the notification bar which will show the thumbnail of latest screenshot, tap it to open the screenshot.
Otherwise later any point of time you will be able to access the screenshots in the phone’s gallery app.
To see the captured screen image, touch Apps >> Photos >> Albums >> Device Folders >> Screenshots
Edit the screenshots later, or share them across social apps as per your wish.

Method 2: Gesture control [ Quick screenshot feature ]

Now this method is specific to Moto phones like Moto X4.
This is similar to gesture controls in OnePlus or Samsung phones, where combination of fingers to touch the screen are used to carry out certain special actions. and you need to swipe the palm or swipe three fingers.
In case of Moto the things are further simplified, which means you need not carry out any swipe actions, but only to touch the screen by three fingers ! Yes, its that simple.
Step-by-Step method to generate screenshot (printscreen) using gesture control —
1) Open the image screen you want to capture like a chat window (Instagram or whats-app or Facebook or Snapchat etc) or a browser window or an email, I mean anything that you want to take a screenshot of, it can be a gaming console too or an error screen.
2) Place three fingers on the screen for less than a second and the device will generate a screenshot! with confirmation camera sound and animation flash.
3) If you want to immediately see the screenshot, then simply pull down the notification bar which will show the thumbnail of latest screenshot, tap it to open the screenshot.
Otherwise later any point of time you will be able to access the screenshots in the phone’s gallery app.
To see the captured screen image, touch Apps >> Photos >> Albums >> Device Folders >> Screenshots
Edit the screenshots later, or share them across social apps as per your wish.

How do I set Moto Actions?

Moto Actions is special features in advanced Moto phones which uses gestures as shortcuts for doing many common tasks quickly using fingers and hand movements.
First thing is that you must have latest Moto App installed on your device, you may visit the Play Store to ensure that you are running the latest version of Moto. This will ensure optimal performance of actions.
Now second thing is to enable ( or disable ) available features.
Open the Moto App >> select the Features tab >> Moto Actions
Once enabled, you will be able to use gestures to carry out many common tasks, like taking a screenshot, use three fingers pressed on the screen to quickly take a screenshot

Method 3: How to take a screenshot using Moto Voice?

Firstly you need to ensure installation of Moto Voice on your device, get it from Google Play-store here.
Once installed and activated first time, the Moto Voice will always be ready to listen to you.
[ To activate : Open the Moto app >> Touch Moto Voice >> Set up voice. ]
Just say the launch phrase followed by a question or command like  “Obey Me Droid Turbo”, “Zap my screen” to take a screenshot of your current screen display.
You can also use “OK, Google” commands to perform more complex tasks
Note: Not all languages support voice commands. Languages supported: U.S. English, U.K. English, Australian English, India English, Canadian English, Brazilian Portuguese, French, Italian, German, Latin America Spanish, Spain Spanish, and Russian.
For best results using Voice commands —
— You should be at a quieter place with not many people around.
— Voice commands may not work in places that create an echo, like bathrooms and garages.
— Use the same intonation each time.
— Avoid pauses.
I recommend you to read in-depth official Moto guide on Voice commands and settings to know more.

References for writing this post are taken from —


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