How to take a screenshot

8 EASY Ways to Screenshot on Samsung Galaxy S9 & S9 Plus

Samsung means innovation, with its latest 2018 flagship smartphones, it has proven again and again their R&D capabilities to get the best at reasonable prices. The latest introduction of S9 series also gets into innovative ways in some fundamental features like taking a screenshot. So in this post I will explain you How to Take Screenshot on Samsung Galaxy S9 & S9 Plus.
As said although capturing a screenshot is basic feature of any Android smartphone, but Samsung surpasses all the expectations, getting powerful at each level of operations, including the screenshots (printscreen).
The Samsung S9 & S9 Plus provides you multiple alternate ways of capturing a screen, and editing them too.
The most special thing  I would like to mention is that S9 / S9 Plus printscreen allows you to take longer screengrabs that capture length of information like ever before. So you will be able to document, long length articles from web in a single grab screen captures. I will get into the details as you proceed reading this post.

How to Take Screenshot on Samsung Galaxy S9 & S9 Plus?

To take a screenshot on your Galaxy S9 phone, Press and hold the Power and Volume Down keys simultaneously until the screen flashes indicating screenshot captured. (for approximately 2 seconds).
And the captured screenshot is saved automatically to Gallery > Screenshots
Here are all the different ways you can capture, edit and share screenshots on the Galaxy S9 & S9 Plus.


1 Hold the buttons to screenshot – Traditional Method Samsung Galaxy S8, Galaxy S8 Plus and Galaxy Note 8, S9, S9 Plus Jump to Topic
2 Palm swipe screenshot Jump to Topic
3 Scroll capture Jump to Topic
4 Bixby Voice Jump to Topic
5 Google Assistant Jump to Topic
6 How to take partial screenshot?
Use Smart Select
S9, S9 Plus Jump to Topic
7 How to edit image using Samsung Galaxy View? Samsung Galaxy S8, Galaxy S8 Plus and Galaxy Note 8, S9, S9 Plus Jump to Topic
8 FAQ – Can’t take screenshot due to security policy? Jump to Topic

1) Hold the buttons to screenshot [Traditional Android Method]

Honestly this is the most simple way to get a screenshot on any android phone on this earth! and 90% of the time I use this method.
However this method has only one disadvantage, while I take a screenshot of a video, it becomes difficult to take precise moment shot, since whatever I do and press both buttons simultaneously, the time delay causes capturing wrong moment of video, whatever you do! And this is where I suggest you to read this guide to know and try other methods too.
Step-by-Step guide – using traditional android method
1) Open the content on the screen you want to capture like a photo, video, website, social share app.
2) Press and hold the volume down button and power buttons simultaneously for about 2 seconds.
3) You will hear a camera shutter sound and flashing animation showing the screen shrink-in, and editing options will appear briefly on the screen.
4) Edit-on-the-fly: Tap the options appeared on the bottom of the screen, if you want to edit the screenshot immediately after it’s captured, you get options to draw, crop or share it too.
5) Notification shade: The options at the screen bottom will disappear after a while, and the screenshot will be automatically saved in the notification shade, if you wish, you can expand and tap the options to edit, share or delete it.
6) Edit-or-Share-later: If you want to share or edit the snap later, simply dismiss the notifications, and the screenshot will be saved to the Gallery > Screenshots. Later you can go there and use any other app to edit and share the photos, as an example – Google Photos.

2) Palm swipe screenshot

If you have a question on How to screenshot without power button on Samsung S9 phones? then here is the answer.
Samsung has introduced this innovative method to capture a screenshot!
Which uses a hand swipe across the screen, in my opinion its good as a innovation, but practically doing this to get a printscreen is somewhat cumbersome and need a practice! At least I prefer using the traditional method of using buttons to take a screen snap 🙂
Anyway lets look at this NEW method step-by-step
1) Turn ON this feature : Settings > Advanced features > “Palm swipe to capture”.
On some older phones, it may be found in Settings > Motions and gestures (in the Motion category).

2) Open the content on the screen you want to capture like a photo, video, website, social share app.
3) Place the side of the palm of your hand on the edge of the screen, and in one motion swipe it across the whole display of the phone from left to right or vice versa.
Note : Make sure you maintain contact with the screen throughout the entire motion.
4) You will hear a camera shutter sound and flashing animation showing the screen shrink-in, and editing options will appear briefly on the screen, with the same editing and sharing options at the bottom of the screen.
Note : You can’t use this gesture while the on-screen keyboard is showing.

3) Scroll capture

Now if you have a question How to print screen on Samsung Galaxy s9 phone? there here is an answer –
Now this is something which I liked the most, many times I need to capture an article on web-page, which goes out of single screen and capturing it in a go is practically impossible on a mobile device. (although possible on desktop using some chrome extensions)
So this innovative “Screen capture” facility helps me getting a complete extra long screenshot of a scrollable content. Simply keep the Screen capture button pressed till you want or end of scrolling content (like a web-page) and the application automatically generates image file by stitching together several screenshots automatically, result is a super-tall screenshot in a go.
Okay, so lets see how to use this Screen-Capture Step-by-Step
1) Open the content on the screen you want to capture, in this case generally it will be a web-page which scrolls across the height of mobile screen and hence you are not able to see it in a go.
2) Please note that the screen you want to capture must be able to vertically scroll — as an example a web-page in browser.
Note : The scroll will only move in downward direction, hence make sure that you are on the top side of the content you want to capture.
3) Use the button combination (power+vol) or palm swipe method to initiate the screenshot.
4) You will see floating image edit menu at the bottom, locate and tap “scroll capture” option. (see image above)
5) Continuously press the “Scroll Capture” button to keep scrolling the screenshot down. A preview will keep showing the total size of the image. (see image above)
6) Tap the Preview to finish
7) This super extra-tall scrolling screenshot will be saved automatically to the gallery — you can edit, crop and share it as desired.

4) Bixby Voice — Using digital voice assistant

I found that Bixby Voice digital assistant method to take a screenshot is extremely useful while your hands are busy in doing some work and you are unable to reach the phone to operate it using the button combination or swipe gesture.
1) During first use (only) you need to set up the Bixy feature by going to Bixby home > Settings > Voice wake-up. (one time setting)
2) Open the content on the screen you want to capture like a photo, video, website, social share app.
3) Press and hold the Bixby Button, or if you’ve configured it as shown in step-1, just say “Hey Bixby”.
4) With the digital assistant interface activated, just say “take a screenshot” or alternatively you can give elaborate instruction like  “take a screenshot and share it to Twitter” or “capture this screen and text it to Jane”
5) The screenshot will be automatically saved to the Gallery, you can view, edit or share it.
Note:  Only hitch is that when you take screenshot using the Bixby digital assistant, you don’t get the instant edit option, like the other methods. However I am sure this method will be used only when you don’t have an access to the physical buttons, so naturally editing is not an option needed.

5) Google Assistant — Using digital voice assistant

Similar to the Bixby voice assistant on the Galaxy S9, you can also use the standard Google Assistant too.
Follow the similar process already explained in this article on using Bixby assistant.
All you have to do is press and hold the home button or say, “OK Google” to bring up Assistant. Then just say, “Take a screenshot” or type in the command with the keyboard.
Here is the Step-by-step guide:
1) Open the content on the screen you want to capture like a photo, video, website, social share app.
2) Press and hold the home button or say, “OK Google”.
3) Say, “Take a screenshot”, or type in the command with the keyboard.
4) Rest of the process remains same to save the snap to Gallery and editing it further.

6) How to take Partial screenshot on Samsung S9 / S9 Plus?

USE Smart select

I have already jotted down many methods above to take full screenshot as well as scrolling screenshot, however many situations you need only a partial screenshot only.
So either you can take full screen snap and edit it later or capture partial part of screen using Smart Select feature provided by Samsung on the Galaxy S9 and S9 Plus.
Further the Smart select allows you to select using two different shapes (square or oval) and even create a GIF image file.
Here is the Step-by-step guide for you –
1) During first use (only) you need to set up the Smart select feature by going to Settings > Display > Edge screen > Edge panels. (one time setting)
2) Open the content on the screen you want to capture like a photo, video, website, social share app.
3) Open the Edge panel from the side, find and tap the “Smart select” option. ( you may need to keep swiping from side to side until you’ve revealed the Smart Select page.)
4) Select the shape you want to use for the screenshot. (square or oval)
5) A gridded box will appear on the screen. You can use your finger to resize it.
Note : If you’re trying to capture a small video clip or animation, use the GIF option.
6) Select the area you want to capture and tap “Done.” and then Save.
7) Your screenshot will be saved to the Gallery > Screenshots folder.

Now that you have learnt the different ways to take a screenshot using your Galaxy S9 or S9+ phone, its time to post process the generated screen snap in image format.

7) After the screenshot — How to edit image using Samsung Galaxy View?

Using all above methods the captured screenshot is saved automatically to Gallery > Screenshots
Or you get auto-edit bar at the bottom of the screen, which you can use for instant editing, saving and sharing across social network like Snapchat, Facebook, Twitter, Instgram etc.
So once you get the screen capture in the gallery, you can use Samsung Galaxy View to edit it further.
Here is the Step-by-Step guide on how to do it –
1) From the Home screen, swipe left, Touch Apps > Gallery.
2) Touch a photo to edit.
3) You will get different editing options –

  • Rotate: Rotate the photo.
  • Crop: Select parts of the photo to trim.
  • Photo Editor: More photo editing options.
  • Adjustment: Crop, rotate, flip, angle the photo.
  • Tone: Add color enhancements to the photo.
  • Effect: Add various stylize effects to the photo.
  • Drawing: Draw on the photo using a wide range of pen settings.
  • Collage: Create a collage.

4) Edit the image as needed and press SAVE at the top of the screen to save your changes.
5) Galaxy view app will create and save a new image file (The original file will be left untouched.)
6) Now you can mail it, share it across social network or do whatever you need.

7) FAQ — Can’t take screenshot due to security policy?

Although I have not faced this issue till now on S9 or any other Android phone used so far, since I was writing a comprehensive guide, thought of researching on issues and writing a consolidated trial guide –
Trial 1: Change the display settings. ( S9 & S9+ )
— Goto Settings>>Display>>Screen Resolution
— Change it to FHD(1920×1080) from WQHD(2560×1440).
Reference —
Trial 2: Check the Policy set on Phone (Applicable to All Android phones)
Many cases a school or company, have enforced policies that prevent screenshots. Such security policies can also be enforced if you have added a company account to your phone. In such case only System Admin can help you out. (Mostly this happens on Company owned or School owned/provided Android phones)
Trial 3: Needs root (Applicable to All Android phones)
First you need to install terminal emulator from from Playstore.
Open terminal and write the following commands:
wm size reset
wm dpi reset
Now you can make a screenshot
Reference —
Trial 4: “FaceProvider” settings ( S9 & S9+ )
— Goto settings>applications>all
— Find the faceprovidor app
—  Now delete faceprovidor’s data and cache and reboot the phone.
— Try screenshots again.
Reference —
Info 1: Chrome Incognito Mode (Applicable to All Android phones with latest OS update)
The Android updated OS prevents screenshots in the Chrome browser while in Incognito Mode browsing.
As on date, this feature can’t be disabled by any means.
Workaround is to install Firefox and take a screenshot in Incognito mode there.

References for writing this post are taken from —

  • Samsung official guide on image editing ( Source )
  • Samsung official guide on Smart select ( Source )
  • Samsung official guide on Swipe palm ( Source )
  • Understanding what is Bixby ( Source )
  • Setting up Google Assistant on Samsung device ( Source )

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